Our sermon-based small group meets at the church every Wednesday evening at 6:00. Everyone is welcome! Check out the questions below to see what we'll be discussing at small group this week on 11/6.
1. What are some common distractions in your life that keep you from spending intentional time with God?
2. How can you prioritize seeking after God in your daily routine and schedule?
3. Have you ever treated God like a "magic genie" in your prayers? How can you shift your mindset to align with God's will and what matters to him (beyond your desires.)
4. Do you have a space where you like to spend time with God?
If not, what steps can you take to create a secret place with God?
5. Share a time when you felt closest to God and experienced His presence in a tangible way. How can you cultivate more of those moments in your life?
6. Discuss ways to keep your mind steadfast on God and trust in Him, even when facing uncertainties and challenges.
7. Reflect on the concept of God rewarding those who sincerely seek Him. How does this truth impact your perspective on prayer and seeking after God in your daily life?
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